Boron removal by ion-selective
Equipment for the removal of boron from water contaminated with this element by means of selective exchange resins. Boron is an element that, although necessary,
Equipment for the removal of boron from water contaminated with this element by means of selective exchange resins. Boron is an element that, although necessary,
Water shortages are intensifying as a result of climate change, affecting the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in many regions, such as in south-eastern Spain, where
The SEARRISOST project (New technological advances for sustainable management of irrigation with desalinated sea water – RTC-2017-6192-2), has as its main objective the optimisation of
Water shortages are intensifying as a result of climate change, affecting the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in many regions, such as in south-eastern Spain, where
The project solves an environmental problem. It is the degradation of pesticide residues contained in water produced on farms from remnants in containers and treatment
The REUSAGUA project works in the field of agriculture, bringing together the use of alternative water resources (regenerated water) with information and communication technologies. The
This is a periodic monitoring of the physical, chemical and microbiological quality of the reclaimed water from the WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plant). The objective is
Esta solución garantiza un agua de riego con una conductividad inferior a 50 micro siemens, beneficiando el sistema radicular del aguacate y consiguiendo el objetivo
Ultrafiltration equipment with a selectivity of 0.2 um., so it rejects bacteria, viruses, coronaviruses and Clostridium Perfringens spores, which according to the new European regulations,
Water purification equipment using reverse osmosis technology. Composed of a two-step treatment, thus obtaining high quality water with very low mineralization. The starting point is
The nanofiltration technology used for the purification of dextrose obtains a very high quality in monosaccharides, separating them from disaccharides and other sugars of higher
Equipo para la eliminación de boro de aguas contaminadas con este elemento por medio de resinas de intercambio selectivas. El boro es un elemento que,