

The unstable weather conditions in the South East of Spain have encouraged the farmers in Murcia to develop all kind of protection systems in order to protect their crops and they have become leaders in the market. Not in vain, the Region of Murciaconcentrates a huge amount of greenhouses. This experience and the manufacturers’ quality of these structures using less and less steel in order to reduce exportation costs have created a wide range of greenhouses demanded by many countries on five continents. All kinds of protecting solutions have been developed for crops, greenhouses chapel type, multitunnel greenhouses, hydroponics… The progresses in this sense are more and more important every time and there are already ecological, biodegradable and inert substratums able to multiplywater retention in the plant and the caliber of the fruits. The effectiveness and modernity of the manufacturers are some of their features, developing new and better structures every day.

The progresses achieved in the field of hydroponics are more and more important every time and currently farmers are working with ecological substratums that multiply water retention and the caliber of the fruits.