AgritechMurcia provides comprehensive and adapted technological developments to ensure food sovereignty in target countries in Africa and Asia.


General Assembly: commitment to comprehensive solutions

AgritechMurcia ratifies in its General Assembly a clear commitment to provide comprehensive solutions in those countries where it directs its activity as an industrial group and technology partner. These destinations need its technology to achieve a sustainable agriculture and achieve productive excellence through the companies that are grouped in this Murcian organization.
Among the essential and approved objectives for the industrial group, it is worth highlighting the agricultural development and food safety for the African and Central Asian countries where they operate. Sustainable agriculture, with the aim of achieving a circular economy perspective, is part of the technology transfer provided by the Region.

Biotechnology-based food security

AgritechMurcia works from the continuous challenge of offering food sovereignty and security, providing solutions adapted to companies, governments and organizations around the world, so that they can produce efficiently, sustainably and profitably. The business group contributes to achieving excellence with its state-of-the-art technologies.

Technology for maximum utilization

AgritechMurcia always goes hand in hand with IMIDA, CEBAS and UPCT to generate cutting-edge technology oriented to the most advanced agricultural developments.
It is also a priority objective of AgritechMurcia, recognized in the General Assembly, to work with fruit and vegetable producer organizations (OPFH), to implement innovation developments and technology transfer, to which these entities must devote up to 2% of its budget. The agreement that AgritechMurcia has signed with IMIDA facilitates technology transfer to these groups of fruit and vegetable producers (OPFH).

Finally, it should be noted that the assembly recognized two “historical” directors of Azud and Novagric for their collaboration, until their retirement, for the successful development of the AgritechMurcia project.
