Riego localizado y fertirrigación

Localised irrigation and fertigation


Murcian farmers have been working the land for many years under conditions of scarce water resources and in nutrient-poor soils. This has led them to sharpen their wits and work towards irrigation systems that optimize water use, minimizing inputs. The range of products manufactured in this way is wide; sprinklers in plastic, brass, pivot systems, irrigation tapes, drip pipes, polyethylene, PVC and aluminium accessories. We have also worked actively on the development of new irrigation systems that provide maximum precision and completely eliminate human error.

To do this, it has been necessary to move from traditional systems to high-tech systems, which are much more precise and efficient due to their automation. To these advances we must add those experienced in the field of accessories. These are pH sensors, conductivity sensors and other systems that help the plant to better assimilate all the nutrients and to achieve higher yields and higher quality.

The transition from traditional to high-tech irrigation systems has allowed us to gain precision and has meant a better optimization of water.

Together with localised irrigation, fertigation is a key sector in the technological revolution that agriculture in Murcia has undergone in recent years. More exact dosage techniques of irrigation water and fertilizers needed in each crop. This means, on the one hand, an important saving in labour, a better distribution of the resources, and on the other hand, it provides a greater work safety as it avoids the need for the workers to deposit the fertilizers entering the greenhouse. These systems, fully computerized and automated, control the amount of water and fertilizers needed and correct parameters of electrical conductivity, pH, which is very advantageous in high-yield crops.

The equipment has become more sophisticated over time. Today we find phytosanitary humidifiers, which, combined with fans, distribute the fertilizers in the form of a suspended mist, which is located at the back of the plant, thus obtaining maximum efficiency. The radial injectors constitute another application of the fertirrigation field.

With the fertirrigation systems, the farmers have saved labor, are able to correct the quality parameters of the irrigation water and the poor soils, and also gain in labor security in their farms.