Proyecto Piloto de Agroecologia Periurbana

Project type


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Customer profile



Pilot project for peri-urban agro-ecological innovation in the orchard of Murcia


The orchard of Murcia, included in the metropolitan area of Murcia, is being transformed and degraded at an accelerated rate, as is the case with most periurban agricultural areas on Earth.

And in this context, the Weaving Networks Project, promoted by the Murcia City Council, arises with the aim of creating alternatives to keep the Huerta of Murcia fertile, productive and sustainable from the socioeconomic, socio-cultural and environmental point of view, in order to recover the control of the food security and sovereignty in the surroundings of the municipality.


To implement a pilot initiative for innovation in all the processes involved in agriculture, trade and distribution of local agricultural products, as well as in the processes of promoting their consumption, promoting the change from a conventional and linear agriculture towards an agro-ecology of circular economy involving all sectors of the agro-food system (including local authorities, technical and academic bodies, civil society, small producers and the private sector) in the area of the Huerta de Murcia.

Specific Objectives

  • Promoting governance and citizen participation in the agricultural sector in the Huerta de Murcia
  • To promote agro-ecological production on the plots of land assigned to the project
  • Generate distribution and consumption channels for production on the project plots
  • To promote the minimization of the use of resources and the generation of waste on the project plots