AgritechMur Strengthens its International Presence and Encourages Cooperation Cooperation at its Annual Assembly


AgritechMur has held the first of its two assemblies 2024 in the facilities of Ind. David, where it has presented a balance of the activities developed during the first months of the year and discussed plans and strategies for the next half year. The meeting, which has had the participation of member companies and the accompaniment of INFO, IMIDA, CEBAS and ICEX, has underlined the focus of the association on the internationalization of AgritechMurcia and internal cooperation between companies.

Balance of 2024: Expansion and International Connections
During the first half of the year, AgritechMurcia has made significant progress in its international expansion strategy, mainly aimed at governments that want to enhance agricultural development in their geographies and Multilateral funding agencies. Among the highlights of its activities, the association was present at the World Water Forum, a global event that brought together leaders and experts in the field of water and sanitation in water management; and participated in the Fruit Logistic trade fair in Berlin, a world reference event for the agricultural industry.
In its commitment to strengthen global relations, AgritechMurcia has attended several groups of international delegations that have visited the Region, among others, representatives from Uzbekistan, Japan or Mexico, with whom various opportunities for collaboration have been explored. These meetings have been key to open new doors in emerging markets and consolidate the presence of Murcian companies abroad.

Plans for the Next Semester: Continuity and New Opportunities
Looking to the future, AgritechMurcia plans to give continuity to the actions undertaken, with a special focus on following up on the contacts established with Asian and African countries during the World Water Forum; or with its presence at Beyond Water Mexico, a key event in the Mexican water agenda, a participation that follows the visit of producers from Guanajuato in March, thus consolidating a fruitful and bidirectional relationship.
In addition, among the outstanding activities for the next six months is participation in Fruit Attraction, a leading trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector, to be held in October. This event will provide an ideal platform to showcase the innovation and efficiency of Murcian products and services.

Promoting Synergy and Internal Collaboration
During the assembly, the importance of fostering internal commercial synergies between AgritechMurcia member companies was underlined. The participants stressed that cooperation is essential to meet the challenges of internationalization and access new markets more effectively.

The visit to Ind. David’s facilities, at the conclusion of the meeting, has allowed the attendees to know in detail the capabilities of this partner and explore new ways of collaboration. This visit was highly interesting and in line with the objective of fostering internal cooperation.

Strengthening Relationships with Key Organizations
The assembly was attended by the directors of the Instituto Murciano de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDA) and the Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS), as well as the territorial delegate of the Instituto de Comercio Exterior (ICEX). The participation of these agencies underlines the close collaboration between AgritechMurcia and these entities, with whom joint projects are being developed to promote innovation and international growth of the sector.
In summary, the AgritechMurcia assembly has reaffirmed its commitment to internationalization and internal cooperation as strategic pillars for sustainable growth and expansion in global markets.
