AgritechMurcia has received a mission of experts in agricultural management of Uzbekistan, who have visited the Region of Murcia to learn, first hand, good practices and innovative solutions that are developed in the agricultural field. The mission, formed by horticultural and fruit producers, several prestigious agronomic experts and representatives of the consultant appointed by the government of Uzbekistan, has had the opportunity to delve into the technologies and methodologies that have made the Region of Murcia a benchmark in agricultural efficiency and sustainability.

During their stay, the visitors toured some of the companies in the AgritechMurcia ecosystem, where they were able to take a close look at the innovations that are setting the pace in the global agricultural sector and learn more about the water efficiency solutions implemented in the region of Murcia, 4.0 technology applied to the field and biological control methods for crop protection.
Among the visits, the facilities of Azud, a reference in the manufacture of technologies for the efficient use of water to increase the profitability and sustainability of agricultural and industrial activity; of OdinS, which provides products and solutions based on the latest innovative technologies; of Novagric, specialized in carrying out comprehensive projects of high performance agriculture in greenhouses and irrigation; of Econex, a company that uses pheromones, traps and repellents for biological pest control in the field.
The visit has provided a comprehensive view of the development of the Region of Murcia in the optimization of water use, with the aim of continuing to build bridges of exchange of knowledge and agricultural technologies with Uzbekistan that can, together with the training provided by AgritechMurcia in that country, facilitate the development of a more competitive and sustainable global agricultural sector, on this occasion, in areas of Central Asia that also have a water shortage problem similar to that of the Region of Murcia.