Solución: Hydroponic cultivation

Cultivo hidrológico de tomate

Tomato in hydroponics with v-channel

In this project for tomato cultivation, the Auxprotec V-channel is used, specially designed to collect the drainagespecially designed to collect the drainage of the cultivation

Canal NFT

NFT channel

This lettuce growing project uses the Auxprotec® NFT gutter specially designed for the use of micro irrigation for a constant recirculation of water which helps

Cultivo Hidropónico

Hydroponic tomato growing

In this project has used the Economy Auxprotec® drainage gutter as the most economical version and as a semi-rigid gutter ideal for water evacuation

Growing papaya in hydroponics

This is a turnkey project carried out for the production of papayas in Mexico. An irrigation head was supplied, consisting of fertigation equipment, PE fertilizer