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All-in-one intelligent irrigation head for hazelnut plantation in Kazakhstan


Many countries are investing in agriculture and one of these areas is Central Asia. Countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan are experiencing strong investment in special or high value-added crops.

These new farms require precision agriculture where technology is crucial to achieve a higher return on investment.

In this project, an early entry into production of the hazelnut tree was the main objective, with all that this entails, rapid vegetative growth, a precise and continuous supply of the nutritive solution, adequate plant health… In addition, the sustainability factor was key, so production had to be carried out in an environmentally friendly way.

To meet these needs, a high-tech solution was installed to optimise water, electricity and nutrient resources, achieving maximum crop yield. This intelligent compact irrigation head allows readings and remote control of the installation with real time information and can act instantly.

It is a unique sustainable solution that guarantees all the necessary requirements for a high added value operation.