bioestimulante de origen biológico basado en el hongo micorricico

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Application of the mycorrhizal fungus in maize Glomus Iranicum var. Tenuihypharum


Biostimulant of biological origin based on the mycorrhizal fungus, glomus iranicum var. Tenuihypharum, developed on solid substrate. It is a species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus with a high degree of efficiency and biological stability in various endafoclimatic conditions.

The application of biofertilizers based on the mycorrhizal fungus glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum, in the treatment of corn seeds prior to sowing, stimulates the plant through the root system and affects the growth of the vegetative system, increasing photosynthetic activity, increasing the absorption of nutrients and water, generating a better soil structure, and increasing biomass and production by 10 – 15%. They are compatible with organic farming.