Perfil de cliente: Producer

Invernadero con calefacción geotermal

Greenhouse with geothermal heating

The project includes high technology with geothermal energy heating. It has all the equipment for intensive cucumber production in hydroponic cultivation with an extreme continental

Greenhouse venlo

The project includes high technology in a Venlo type greenhouse for the production of hydroponic tomatoes.

Invernadero malla sombra semillero

Greenhouse and shade net

The project consists of a high and medium technology project for the rooting and development of plants in a forest nursery.

Hydroponic cultivation of tomatoes

Tomato cultivation with complete hydroponic soil system (a drainage collection system in hydroponic cultivation suitable for crops where grower’s bags are used) and white gutter.

Dextrose purification by nanofiltration

The nanofiltration technology used for the purification of dextrose obtains a very high quality in monosaccharides, separating them from disaccharides and other sugars of higher