Generational handover is one of the biggest challenges facing the agricultural sector. With a high percentage of family businesses and experienced workers, the transfer of responsibilities to new generations is not only a change of leadership, but an opportunity to modernize, digitize and ensure the sustainability of the business. How to ensure that this process not only maintains the viability of the company, but also boosts its growth and competitiveness?
Modernization: Key to Generational Replacement in Agriculture
Generational change in agriculture goes hand in hand with modernization. The adoption of advanced technologies, process automation and efficiency in the use of resources are essential to ensure future competitiveness. During Fruit Attraction 2024, Carlos Barceló, of Auxprotec, stressed that the main challenge is to “digitize production to the maximum, save space and water, and make customers understand the importance of modernizing.”

Technology not only optimizes production, but also makes working in the sector more attractive for the new generations, who are used to more technological environments.
“The main challenge is to modernize everything, to digitize, and to make customers understand that they too must modernize.”
Generation Gap: A Challenge and an Opportunity.
The coexistence between different generations within the same company can be complex, but it offers great opportunities. Jose Tornero, of Novagric, mentioned:
“We have to learn to understand each other. People with 40 years in the company and those of us who have been in the company for a short time have a lot to learn from each other.”

The generation gap can be productive if managed well. While older workers bring experience, younger workers can drive innovation. However, it is important to recognize that not everyone succeeds in adapting to change, and some people may be left behind in this process.
Training: The Pillar for Successful Relay.
Comprehensive training is essential to prepare new generations. It is not just about inheriting a business, but about knowing every aspect of the company from the ground up. Francisco Lopez, of David Industries, shared his experience:
“My father always told me that I had to learn every facet of the business, from welding to traveling.”
In addition to a solid background in traditional farm activities, training in emerging technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence is key to adapting to the changes agriculture is undergoing. Ensuring a successful generational transition means young people are equipped with both technical skills and entrepreneurial vision.
Attracting Young Talent: How to Make the Sector Attractive?
One of the biggest challenges is attracting young talent. Many young people see agricultural work as sacrificial and unattractive compared to other more technological sectors. José Tornero, from Novagric, mentioned in the debate that it is crucial to “make the field attractive”. This implies offering competitive working conditions, improving the quality of life in the rural environment, and encouraging flexibility and family reconciliation.
Raquel Peregrín, from Ritec, stressed the importance of technology:
“Artificial intelligence not only improves efficiency, but can also be a hook to attract young people interested in technology, but who did not see the agricultural sector as a viable option.”

In addition, the perception of the sector must be improved. It must be communicated that today’s agriculture is not the same as it was decades ago: it is a field full of innovation, cutting-edge technology and opportunities for growth.
Business Culture: The Foundation for the Future
A solid business culture is crucial for managing the generational handover. According to Javier Juárez , of AZUD, “shaping a strong corporate culture helps to solve many of the challenges”. The culture must promote respect, empathy and collaboration between generations. Effective communication is essential for the new generations to learn from the veterans, while the more experienced ones embrace the changes and innovations brought by the young.
It is important that the corporate culture also adapts to the new ways of working, ensuring that agribusinesses are perceived as modern, family-focused organizations, where work flexibility and quality of life are priorities.
“A strong corporate culture not only improves day-to-day work, but also facilitates the transition between generations.”
The Importance of Communication: Changing the Perception of the Agricultural Sector
To attract young talent, it is necessary to change the perception of the agricultural sector. Often, the field is seen as a low-tech sector with few opportunities for growth. However, the reality is that modern agriculture is full of innovation.
Javier Juárez , of AZUD, gave the example of the United States, where the creation of television series about doctors helped to triple enrollment in medical schools. Something similar could be applied in agriculture, using communication strategies to show that this is a sector in which it is possible to work with cutting-edge technology, have a positive impact on the environment, and enjoy an excellent quality of life in rural environments.
“To attract new generations to the agricultural sector, we must change the perception and show the opportunities it offers.”
Conclusion: Securing the Future with Collaboration and Technology.
The generational handover is a challenge, but also a great opportunity to modernize the agricultural sector and secure its future. Digitalization, comprehensive training of the new generations and the creation of a strong entrepreneurial culture are essential for a successful transition.
Technology is key to making the sector more attractive and efficient. At the same time, improving communication and changing the perception of the industry will be key to attracting and retaining young talent.