The DemoOlivo 2023 professional forum has exceeded 1000 attendees in this edition. It has become the great bet of the new olive growing sector in Spain. Several of Agritech’s partners took part in the event on 19 and 20 September, including the companies ID-David, Novagric and Azud.
More than 30 specialised companies from the sector attended the El Balliscal estate in Lebrija (Seville).
At this meeting, it was possible to enjoy the technical presentations given by some of the leading experts in agronomy and olive grove management. There were demonstrations of machinery in the field, as well as the best management strategies and the use of technology in intensive olive groves.
Among the topics to be discussed were new olive varieties, crop implantation, soil management and the intelligent application of treatments, irrigation and climate monitoring, the challenge of the water footprint and carbon footprint, as well as new technologies and automation of crop management, sustainable weed management, fertilisation and mechanised harvesting.

The association of horticultural crops with leguminous plants reduces fertiliser use by 30 percent and increases production.
The UPCT leads the national AsociaHortus project that achieves higher yields and increases soil fertility. The AsociaHortus project evaluates the effect of combining horticultural crops