Cooperation agreement for agricultural technological development between the Region of Murcia and Ecuador


AgritechMurcia acts as a partner in the organization of the different activities foreseen in the agreement

The Institute for the Promotion of the Region of Murcia, Info, and the Consulate of Ecuador in Murcia have signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation in the development of agricultural technology by promoting trade and training. The dialogue will be carried out, mainly, with the support of the sectorial platform AgritechMurcia, coordinated by Info.

Specifically, the agreement provides for exchanges of experts in agricultural technology in lectures, seminars and conferences, the transfer of agricultural technology in facilities provided by entrepreneurs Murcia and development of cooperation projects for the modernization of enterprises, as well as business meetings.

Likewise, the text incorporates the exchange of researchers and reverse visits of teachers, students and companies to the Region of Murcia and vice versa towards Ecuador.

This cooperation agreement is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of Ecuador which, among other objectives, is responsible for promoting the exportable supply and attracting investment and tourism, elements that fit in with some of the tasks of the Info, such as the development of the business fabric of the Region of Murcia through exports and internationalization.

Last year, the Region of Murcia exported around 16 million euros to Ecuador, almost double the amount exported in 2015. The main products exported in 2019 were: containers and packaging (6.34 million euros); fluid handling equipment (3.1 million) and machinery worth 2.2 million. In Spain as a whole, the Autonomous Community is in seventh place in the ranking of Spanish regions exporting to the country. In total, 155 companies from Murcia sold their products in Ecuador last year.
