An integrated monitoring and control system was implemented in a plum plantation with the objective of maximizing irrigation efficiency and improving fruit quality. Using dendrometry sensors, detailed monitoring of trunk and fruit growth was carried out, making it possible to identify moments of water stress and adjust the irrigation strategy according to the needs of the crop.
The weather station and multilevel probes provided real-time information on climatic conditions and soil moisture, while satellite images made it possible to detect variability in the plot and areas with different levels of development. Thanks to the integration of this data into the management platform, the grower was able to plan irrigation in a precise and automated way through the remote control of solenoid valves, optimizing the use of water and fertilizers.
-Dendrometry sensors for monitoring fruit and trunk growth.
-Weather station with temperature, relative humidity and wind speed sensors.
-Multilevel probes for measuring soil moisture, temperature and conductivity.
Satellite images for crop vigor analysis and detection of stress zones
-Multilevel probes for soil moisture, temperature and conductivity measurement
Automated solenoid valve control for irrigation planning and management
-Automated solenoid valve control for irrigation planning and management
-Remote analysis and management platform.
Services offered/technology applied
-Real time monitoring of crop development through dendrometry sensors.
-Agroclimatic analysis with weather station and soil probes.
-Integration of satellite images for variability detection in the plot.
-Irrigation automation through remote control of solenoid valves.
-Generation of alerts and recommendations for irrigation and fertigation optimization.