Zona geográfica: Africa

Proyecto tomate cherry marruecos

Hydroponic Cherry Tomato

Project developed for a European public body. The objective is to develop and promote agriculture and employment in the region concerned in Morocco. Complete project.

Dextrose purification by nanofiltration

The nanofiltration technology used for the purification of dextrose obtains a very high quality in monosaccharides, separating them from disaccharides and other sugars of higher

Investigación de insectos auxiliares

Greenhouses equipped for research

Design, manufacture and construction of multi-tunnel greenhouses and technological equipment with fertirrigation systems, drip irrigation, low pressure humidification, thermal screen, Pad & Cooling, forced ventilation,

Invernadero llave en mano

Integral greenhouse project

The greenhouse project for vegetables includes high technology with hydroponic system and medium technology with mixed coconut system, with screen, irrigation, high fog, fans and