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Energy Optimization and Renewable Energy Generation Project for the Irrigation Community of San Roque (Murcia)


Use of water from the wastewater treatment plant of the municipality of Fortuna (Murcia). The main objective of this first phase is the energy optimization of this resource. To this end, a 120,000 m3 regulating reservoir, a photovoltaic plant and a new pumping group were built. Finally, a new distribution network of 3,650 ml with a PVC-O pipe DN-315 mm.

Results: the storage provided by the reservoir makes it possible to use 100% of the treated water from the WWTP. On the other hand, the replacement of the pumping group means a reduction in energy consumption of 22.49% compared to the current one. The replacement of the piping results in a 19.67% increase in water volume due to the elimination of distribution losses.