The company is a member of AgritechMurcia, a platform that promotes business opportunities in the agro-technology sector
The agricultural sector is a market with great business opportunities at present. During the pandemic it is being the least affected and essential to supply food to the population. In this scenario and with a growing population, the challenge for the agricultural sector is to increase its production, using less and less natural resources. For this reason, agro-technology is a key factor in achieving more profitable and productive agriculture.
An example of the attractiveness of the agricultural sector for investment is the entry into Symborg of the Spain Oman Private Equity Fund (“SOPEF”), a fund managed by MCH Private Equity, which has carried out its fourth transaction by investing “in a biotechnology company with a growth and expansion project that meets all the requirements sought in venture capital investments, in a market that presents great opportunities in the coming years”, according to José Manuel de Bartolomé, partner of the SOPEF Fund .
Symborg has established itself as a world reference in the development of biostimulants based on microorganisms whose agricultural uses are patented, evolving from its first products based on mycorrhizal fungi to the development of biofertilizers such as BlueN, which allow the plant to be naturally nourished with nitrogen by reducing the use of nitrogen fertilizers through a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution; providing farmers with innovative solutions to optimize their crops and guarantee the conservation of their habitats and nearby ecosystems.

According to Jesús Juárez, founding partner and CEO of Symborg, “The commitment of this prestigious fund to Symborg reinforces our strategic plan, which will consolidate us as international leaders in agricultural biotechnology in the coming years”.
The company, founded in 2009 and based in Murcia, is a member of the AgritechMurcia Platform, with which it shares its vision and values and to which it adds its experience and knowledge, in the set that AgritechMurcia contributes in the value chain and the world fruit and vegetable market, to boost business opportunities in the agro-technological sector.
In this new stage, SOPEF, together with Symborg’s shareholders, aims to promote and consolidate the international growth of the company, taking advantage of the trends that the agricultural input industry has taken towards the search for sustainable solutions that allow the maximization of harvests in a natural way, to meet the food demand of a growing population and to face the challenges that will arise in the coming years in the face of climate change.
The Fund’s entry has been t a minority investment through a capital increase. The company remains in the hands of the founding partners.