The final balance of Fruit Logistica 2024, the most important trade fair for fresh fruit in Europe, has a clear description: AgritechMurcia has unveiled in Berlin 2024 the main core of companies in the sector that generate cutting-edge Biotechnology and that is in demand in major international markets.
The companies and research centers of AgritechMurcia, participating since 2018, are able to provide solutions for agriculture, with scientific backing, that facilitate better plant and soil performance. Advanced research and development allow less use of chemical fertilizers, better product quality and, therefore, a more sustainable and more profitable agriculture for the farmer.

During the technical sessions, the scientist Manuel Tornel made presentations at the Fair, both in the Tech Stage space and at the stand of the Region of Murcia.
Manuel Tornel has highlighted the R+D+i provided by the AgritechMurcia Ecosystem through companies such as Agrozymes, Lucas Biotech and Microgaia, as well as research organizations such as Imida. There are advanced and internationally recognized projects such as Itum, table grape, which have become an international reference.
On the other hand, engineering, irrigation and machinery companies have aroused the interest of large producers.
Berlin is a meeting point for producers from Europe and Latin American countries, the main international destinations for the advanced solutions offered by Murcian biotechnology, both for the growth in agricultural areas (Mexico, Chile, Peru,…) and for the demands of the European market to which many products are exported, especially in certain commercial windows.
AgritechMurcia has been aligned from the first moment with the SDG sustainability goals, such as rationalization of water use, soil sustainability, etc.
Africa in sight
Producers from several African countries have also shown their interest in the solutions provided by the business and research ecosystem of AgritechMurcia. Food security, high productivity and the independence it brings to the territories has been highly valued in the various meetings held by the experts.
The Bio solutions provided by AgritechMur companies are wide and varied:
From selecting and studying microorganisms and natural substances that facilitate the development and plant growth of the plant, that improve the soil and stimulate its defense mechanisms, adding technical advice to apply biofertilizers, to achieve ecological, abundant and nutritious harvests without problems of pests or diseases;
Or fertilizers formulated with patented and customizable technologies that confer greater bioavailability to the nutrients provided, that obtain high productivity and efficiency and regenerate the agrosystem, with the contribution of natural substances produced by specific microorganisms that activate and enhance the native microbiota of the environment;
Or early detection solutions, with kits that make it possible to anticipate plant symptoms and thus reduce the use of pesticides and the impact on the environment.
Behind all this knowledge generated and accumulated in the Region of Murcia, there are R&D&I teams from research organizations and companies, groups of professionals and specialists capable of developing and transferring R&D to farmers, to achieve efficient improvements in arable land and, as a whole, provide greater profitability to the value chain, which is obliged to produce food, in quantity and quality, but reducing the environmental impact, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN.
With this solid scientific basis, the Ecosystem of the Region, AgritechMurcia, is at the forefront of responsible practices and at the forefront of the agriculture of the future that not only does not waste water, but also conserves soils, prevents their degradation and improves the conditions of those that have been worn out.
Biotechnology is a flag of leadership that is waved from AgritechMurcia, at a time when farmers are demanding recognition for the sustainability and economic efforts they have been making.